Friday, October 3, 2008

Jacob's arrival

So, where to start....hmmm, Jacob's birth seems like a good place.

On Thursday, July 10, I started having contractions (back labor=most horrific pain ever!). Thinking it was time to for little man to arrive, Josh and I went to the dr Friday morning. No progress..only 1 cm dialated and 80% effaced. Feeling defeated, we headed back home but not before asking the dr if we could drive to our friend's, Tamarra and Scott, wedding at Brasstown Valley Resort on Saturday. She kinds chuckled and said, "only if you want to deliver there." I was bummed, I had really wanted to go to the wedding but momentarily accepted the news. Well, Friday came and went with mild contractions.

We spent Saturday morning doing yardwork (yes, my idea.....I had horrible "nesting" issues). Around 2pm, I went to Josh and said "we're going to that wedding...we have to leave in 30 minutes). Not one to argue with a pregnant lady, he got ready and we left. I can't really explain why I wanted to go so bad (besides being good friends) but I was so stir crazy and just wanted to get out of the house. Another reason was to see if the wedding could bring on see only a little over a year ago at mine and Josh's wedding, our friend Luann came and was 9 months preggo and guess what? Yep, she has her sweet baby boy that very next morning...only hours after leaving our wedding. So, back to my story:) We made the 2 1/2 hours drive (remember that time frame) to Young Harris, Ga where they had a gorgeous wedding. We were enjoying the reception when Josh heard a little "uh oh" from me. The contractions were back....and strong. We headed out in a a whirlwind and think we scared our friends to death thinking I was having a baby there. We called our parents and warned them that we were headed to the hospital but that I wanted to go home and shower first because of being outside in the 90 degree weather will make you want to take a nice shower before you show up at the hospital. Well, we made it home in about an hour and 45 minutes (yep, if you paid attention earlier that was quite a bit quicker). So, I jump in the shower as Josh gets his bags ready. He comes upstairs to get me and finds me.... asleep in the bed. Guess it wasn't time once again.....

Well, by Sunday night/Monday morning I could no longer talk through the contractions (why don't they just call them "sticking a knife in your back and turning it ever so slowly??) so we headed for the hospital. Not wanting to give anyone false hopes, we only called my dad because he was on his way home from work so we didn't have to worry about waking anyone else. So, we get to the hospital around 7am and they check me...and you guess it, only 2 cm dilated and 90% effaced. I BEGGED them not to send me home so they called my DR and he agreed to keep me. Finally, I knew the end was in sight!

At 9am they started my Pitocin to induce me and the contractions came on strong. Shortly after, I got my epidural (BEST thing ever...while it worked anyway. My parents arrived quickly afterwards. Josh started texting everyone on the planet with updates. Things progressed pretty steadily throughout the day. They wouldn't let me eat anything because of the medications but I talked daddy into sneaking me peanut m&m's. By 6pm, I was ready to push. At this time, it still hadn't hit me that I was actually about to have a baby. Weird, I know but it didn't feel real until I was holding him. So, starting pushing at 6pm...7 came and went....and then BAM!!!! I felt pressure in my right side, the pressure then turned to full on excruciating pain. The nurses rushed to get the anesthesiologist, who tried UNSUCCESSFULLY 2 times to re-administer my epidural. Jacob had his head turned sideways which was making it hard for him to come. So, I pushed for another hour and half with NO PAIN MEDS until little Jacob finally arrived with the help of a vacuum extraction.

You know the saying "love at first sight?" Well, it couldn't be more accurate! I had been up for almost 24 hours but I couldn't take my eyes off of him for a second. I did have to give him up for a minute for Josh, Grammy, Grandpa, and Brittany to hold him:)

My attempt at a blog

So...I decided to start a blog. Why, you might ask? Well, a couple reasons. First, is so that our friends and family can keep up with our new little man, Jacob. Second, it's 5:25am and I've been up for 3 hours (and its not because of Jacob!!) for no reason!

Beach pictures

Beach trip

We just got back from Jacob's first trip to the beach last week. Josh, Jacob, and I rode down to Florida with Grammy while Brittany and Grandpa came down on the Harley. The three of us made a detour and went to Pensacola to see our newest addition to our family, Dalayna and Dalylah. Grammy was the only one who got to go back to see them since they were still in the NICU at the time:( I've seen pictures though and they are ADORABLE! Congrats Derrick and Misty! I don't have any pictures downloaded (hint, hint...get on it!!!) but here is a link to their pictures!

So, we left Pensacola for what should have been a 3 hour drive to Mexcio Beach...but Jacob had other plans. He hates being in his carseat so it ended up being a 5 hour drive:( There is almost nothing there, but we had a great time.

cool dude....10 weeks old
Hanging out with Riley...10 weeks old

biker dude....8 weeks old

6weeks old

about to leave the hospital.....2 days old

Newborn-Jacob pics

with Grandpa...only minutes old
with Grammy...only minutes old

Jacob and Gradmother...1 day old

Britt and Josh...only minutes old

Meeting his "brothers" & "sister" for the 1st time

with Nana and Poppa...1 day old